My5 KPIs on your phone, Mac or PC 

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My5 KPIs Executive Dashboard

Five KPIs

Why My5 KPIs?


With My5 KPIs, you get 25 KPIs in total. You can have five dashboards, each containing five KPIs. That way, you can keep an eagle eye on every department.

Take control of your business.

You can manage a division, department or small to medium-sized business by focusing on five key performance indicators (KPIs).

You do not have the time to look at every measure every day. Save that for your monthly or quarterly meetings.

On a day-to-day basis, you should focus on no more than five things. It is a simple case of the law of diminishing returns.

If you attempt to do more than five things in a day, you will achieve very little or nothing.


Intrafocus Software

Align your team

Do you publish your KPIs to your staff? With the My5 app you can publish five dashboards, each containing five KPIs, giving your staff the information they need where and when they need it. You set the targets and the red flags for each KPI. Then simply update your daily, weekly, and monthly results (by hand or automatically by linking to Google Sheets) to keep everyone on the same page.

  • Align your team members
  • Update actual values in seconds
  • Link to Google Sheets for automated update
  • See your results on the go
  • Both mobile and web

Get started right now. Add the app to your phone. It’s free for a month. If you like the app, select a payment plan for your team.

My5 - Overview Grid
My5 - Sales revenue

Focus on the details

Details when required

Select any KPI for the details. The details screen will give you six periods of history (six months, weeks or days, depending on the type of KPI). There are green and red threshold indicators. And there is a variance indicator showing the change from the last update.

Align your team using My5 KPIs.

If you need to go back further, use the date selector to view historical data. You can add as little or as much data as you need. You can also add period-specific comments. Notify your whole team about essential actions or events.

Build your My5 system manually or from a spreadsheet. Once you have defined your KPIs, keep them updated manually, upload a spreadsheet, or automatically link to Google Sheets. (We have set up an update task every evening for Google Sheets.)


Focus on five

Automated update

You can update your KPI actual values daily, weekly and monthly. Update them manually within the App, upload a spreadsheet from your desktop, or link to Google Sheets.

We will upload your data every evening if you link to Google sheets.

Select five key performance indicators per dashboard

  • Two financial measures, often Profit and Revenue
  • One measure associated with customers
  • One measure associated with operations
  • One measure associated with employees

In our experience, if each area is covered, an organisation will focus on the right things, and be aligned. If you are struggling with which KPIs to put in place, look at the list below.

My5 KPIs - Dashboard
My5 KPIs - Pricing

Return on Investment

Annual pricing

Four packages are available, each containing a manager/admin and a defined number of view-only users.

A manager/admin has complete control over creating dashboards and KPIs and the follow-on task of updating the daily, weekly, and monthly results.

The view-only user can look at the dashboards and KPIs and comment on individual KPIs if required.

We charge annually, and you will receive a reminder to renew at the end of the year. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

30-day  free trial

Try the app for 30 days free of charge. We will take your credit card number. We would like to think you have a serious intent to purchase!

If you find the app does not suit your requirements, you can cancel at any time, and you will not be charged. If you find you want to add more people, you can upgrade at any time as well.

Key Performance Indicators

Which Key Performance Indicators?

Setting your key performance indicators should not be difficult. You know your business, and you know what you need to measure. Start with two financial measures, usually profit or revenue. Then take a look at something to do with your customers. Then think about how you actually do things, and finally, create a KPI that measures how your staff performs. Here’s a starter for ten, or visit our KPI Library

Net Profit

Always a good choice, a healthy business is a profitable one. Depending on your business, you should measure profit weekly or monthly. You do not need to measure it daily.


Revenue is essential when you are looking at business growth. If your business is stable and you are happy with its size, then concentrate on profit rather than revenue.

Gross Profit

Deduct the direct costs of the product or service your sell from revenue to determine Gross Profit. This will tell you how much you can afford to spend on activities like marketing and sales.

Operating Expense Ratio

All of the costs, not including the product or service costs divided by the revenue. This will give an efficiency percentage. The lower the percentage, the more profitable you will be.

Net Promoter Score

How likely would you recommend this company / product / service to a friend? This is the essence of the net promoter score. More frequently used than Customer Satisfaction, especially in retail.

Customer Satisfaction

An all-time classic KPI. But one that is usually only calculated or collected annually as it requires feedback surveys. The Net Promoter Score is used more frequently.

Number of Customers

Useful to know as a comparator to previous weeks / months, but more useful when used in conjunction with other measures. For example, to calculate Average Customer Profitability.

Average Customer Profitability

Used to gauge the strength of your portfolio of customers. If this changes dramatically month-on-month, you may need to consider balancing your product / service portfolio.

Customer Retention Rate

Retained customers provided an ongoing income. They are easier to sell to, rather than attempting to gain new customers. Retained customers are also an indicator of customer satisfaction.

Customer Complaints

It is essential to try and minimise the number of customer complaints. But this can also be a good source of information to make improvements. Be sure to always follow up on complaints.

Quality Index

An internal measure, usually expressed as a percentage. It defines the level of quality of an internal process as determined by yourself. Clearly, it is important to be honest!

Order Fulfilment Cycle

How long does it take to deliver a product or service from order received to delivered? A short Order Fulfilment Cycle is always desirable, be it for food in a restaurant or furniture delivery.

First Contact Resolution

When a customer calls with a question or problem, their expectation is for it to be resolved during that call. This KPI is an indicator of how good your resolution process is. It is another ‘internal’ measure.

Capacity Utilisation

How well are your staff being used? How good is your machine plant at delivering widgets? Capacity is an efficiency KPI to determine the ability to deliver work or output in a given time frame.

Employee Satisfaction

Usually determined by a survey, but in smaller companies by direct questions. This should be measured more frequently than one might imagine. Happy staff will stay with your company.

Salary Competitiveness

Not everything is about salary, but it will become a problem if a salary is a long way below the market rate. There is no magic formula, but wages need to be seen as reasonable.

Employee Churn

Replacing staff can be an expensive business. Especially when the required skills are high or extensive training is required. This KPI will force you to focus on staff retention.

Energy Consumption

Responsible companies should be looking to drive down energy costs. It will save money, and it is also good for the environment. Often, customers are looking at environmental credentials.


Trusted by companies across the world

“Our company has successfully survived the Coronavirus crisis which was a great challenge for all of us. Thanks to Spider Impact scorecards we were always in touch with reality, being able to monitor and control all key processes.

Martin Roček

Quality Manager, CompuGroup Medical

The Spider Impact solution has been an enormous help to ОБФ. In the past six years, we have created a centralised reporting and dashboard system that has greatly improved the way our consultants work. Working with Intrafocus has been a pleasure, they are very attentive to all our requirements.

Kirill Lapov

Consolidated Paper Mills (known as ОБФ in Russia)

Spider Impact has become an integral tool in our business and is being used at different levels, for example as a Tier 1 Balanced Scorecard at the EXCO level and Tier 2 Scorecards at an EXCO Member/Divisional level. The support provided by Intrafocus has been great.

Hennie Van Wyk


Business Improvement

Contact Us Today

Using the My5 KPI app will ensure you keep your most important KPIs close to hand on a day to day basis. But you still need to review all of your KPIs regularly. Most businesses do this monthly, and most use presentations and spreadsheets. Why not talk to Intrafocus about a better way to run your business? Contact us using the form below.

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